Thursday, February 16, 2006

For the Publicity Pamphlet - May 16 Vote

Argument in Favor (Pro) of Question 2
Primary (Ad Valorem) Property Tax Implementation

We are a diverse group in northwest Mesa: we have lived here a few months, or a few generations; we are conservatives, and liberals; we are young families, and older Mesans; we are ethnically varied; we are homeowners, and renters; we are employees, and employers. We engage in spirited dialogue about issues in our neighborhoods. Sometimes we agree, sometimes not – but we respect all viewpoints.

A pivotal, history-changing discussion about Mesa is in progress now. What will our city be in the future? Will it be the beautiful, safe, well-run, well-kept place to live that we have heretofore enjoyed – or will it become something much less? We are not willing to risk that. We have studied the “Financing the Future” committee’s report; we have examined the issues thoroughly. This is not just about a one-time budget deficit now; it is about changing the basic structure of Mesa’s revenue acquisition process to support the big city we have become. We strongly support the reinstatement of a property tax, and the slight increasing of the sales tax, to ensure that this community maintains its most valuable amenity -- a consistently high quality of everyday life for its residents -- for the foreseeable future.

We do not say this lightly; we serve notice that we will be watching, monitoring, questioning and participating, every step of the way. Beware the leaders who think a property tax is carte blanche to spend foolishly or plan poorly for Mesa’s future! But we have confidence this can be administered correctly, and that our community will be the better for it as we step more fully into the 21st century. We urge you to Vote Yes for Mesa on the property tax and on the sales tax increase – it is an important investment you will never regret.

Stephanie Wright, co-chair

Tanya Collins, co-chair

On behalf of the Steering Committee
of the Mesa Grande Community Alliance


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