Brand New Blog for West Mesa Neighborhood Information
Mesa Matters
I'm extremely concerned that you as my neighbors are not getting all the information you need to make good decisions about our city. With the new ballot issue of property taxes and increased sales taxes, both really hot buttons, I felt you needed to know what I am able to find out with my extensive contacts in the city.
In the past I had a large email distribution list and I was able to get information out fast to everyone...but at the same time there were often those who said, Enough Email!
This way, I'll do whatever I can throughout the day and night to find information, and put it up here for you to visit whenever YOU have time.
However, for it all to work, you MUST pass on the Web site to your neighbors. Ask them to come here:
Thanks for doing's a great idea.
If you post this much everyday this blog will explode. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Information is an incredibly powerful tool. Thanks for being willing to attend meetings and share that important information with the rest of us, so we can make informed decisions about the issues.
Where are you, all of you who care about the quality of the city you are raising your children in, who think about the future and care what you leave as a legacy in the community that is your home? Your voices are needed to help Mesa make this important transition from big-city-acting-like-its-still-a-small-town. This is NOT the old Mesa, and we can't finance it like we used to. . .but we can preserve the things that we loved about the old Mesa -- the wonderful quality of life, the dependable maintenance of our public amenities, the safe neighborhoods, the fine parks and recreational programs to go with them. Why did you come to live in Mesa, and why have you stayed? Because it has been -- so far -- a great place to live, raise a family, work, retire, or whatever you happen to be doing. I don't want to lose that because I think it will be more expensive to pass a property tax now and stabilize the city's revenue stream, than it will be to dig this community out of the dirt years from now when it has deteriorated beyond belief. I've made a huge financial and emotional investment in Mesa; it is my home. I don't want to pay more taxes, anymore than anyone else does -- but I would rather do that than stick my head in the sand and pretend a few more cuts in city services will solve the problem over the long term. Let's move Mesa into the 21st century, and support it with careful attention to what it is doing with our money, and with pride in what it can become.
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